Welcome to our Blog - you can read here about Pyrshep Puppy Zookie and our life together.
Mittwoch, 3. Dezember 2014
Obedience Class 1
I just forgot - We took part in another obedience exam and this time in class 1!
It was quite thrilling as I really had no time for practicing all this things (and in the little time I had, i trained slalom :P). But it proved again Zookie is a compeition dog - she even got 10 points at the box (which i feared the most). Only some little mistakes like greeting the judge while heeling and - of course - it's obviously impossible for a pyrshep to sit and stay when there is something thrown to apport!
Nevertheless, we got our Excellent and could now move on to Class 2 (LOL :P), which we won't to in near future I guess! :D It's really a pity, Zookie has really much fun doing all this stuff and I think she could really be extraordinary and kick all this obedience-bcs asses. But I think kicking Medium-bcs asses will also be fun :D
Montag, 27. Oktober 2014
Obedience and our first Agility seminar
Ja wir haben uns getraut, wir haben an einem Unterordnungsturnier teilgenommen und in der Obedience Beginner Klasse ein (niedriges) Vorzüglich mit 229 Punkten gemacht. Da wir das ja nur zwischendurch und zum Spaß machen (und nicht grad regelmässig trainieren), bin ich trotzdem sehr stolz, bis auf ein paar kleine Unaufmerksamkeiten und die Box, die zwar besser geklappt hat als gedacht aber trotzdem nicht soooo ganz richtig :D, war es schon ganz okay :).
Yes we did it, we competed in our first obedience competition, in the beginner class. And we were not that bad, zookie got an Excellent and 4.place from 13 dogs :) . I'm really proud, especially because we are not really training it regularly.
Und außerdem haben wir ein Agility-Seminar bei Zeljko Gora gemacht. Es hat wirklich großen Spaß gemacht und der Muskelkater danach war wirklich groß :D.
And we did a Agility-Seminar with Zeljko Gora. It was really great fun and we learned a lot :).
Sonntag, 12. Oktober 2014
Photomodel :)
Endlich gibts wieder ein paar aktuelle Fotos von Zookie, danke an Vanessa Ludwig Photography, ich würde niiiiie so schöne Fotos schießen können, bei mir ist immer alles nur schwarz :D
Finally some new photos of Zookie, thank you Vanessa Ludwig Photography :)
Es gibt auch ein paar Action-Bilder:
And also some action photos :D :
Unsere Agilitylaufbahn schreitet immer mehr voran, ich werde versuchen ein neues Video zu machen in nächster Zeit. Das erste Turnier (nach einer kleinen Ortsgruppenprüfung in Österreich zwecks einmessen) ist auch schon geplant - es wird die BACK in Kreuth sein (ja wir machen keine halben Sachen :D). Ich bin schon gespannt wie Zookie auf Sand laufen wird und in so einer Atmosphäre!
Our agilitx carrier is getting forward, i will try to make a new video soon. Our first competition will be BACK in Kreuth, the biggest indoor competition in europe I think, because yes ... we're not doing things by halves ;D .
Dienstag, 16. September 2014
Agility World Championship in Luxemburg
No, of course we were not competing there, but I was there as a Fan, cheering for Austria.
Zookie had to stay at home with my parents and got a little bit fat - of course :O.
It was such a great event, I met so many great pyrsheps, like zookies father Babou and her uncle Dudu and also got to know some owners in person, who I only knew from internet.
Besides, I had really much fun with all my friends, beginning with our hotel being booked for the next day, to some "Klopfer" abuse, to eating cold curry leftovers with flags as sticks.Thank you for the funny days, guys :D
Besides all of this fun, it was an extraordinary breath-taking event, with Team Austria being so successful like never before. Of course Lisa and Hoss getting World Champion for the 4th time, WOW. But I am especially proud of our individual Mediums (as it is and will ever be my favourite class :D), showing the can run with the top. So CONGRATULATIONS to Werner and Esmeralda, who were always Charlies and mine combatant. They are such a great Team and Werner is one of the nicest and down-to-earth agility guy. I wonder if he has realized it by now :D
Zookie had to stay at home with my parents and got a little bit fat - of course :O.
It was such a great event, I met so many great pyrsheps, like zookies father Babou and her uncle Dudu and also got to know some owners in person, who I only knew from internet.
Besides, I had really much fun with all my friends, beginning with our hotel being booked for the next day, to some "Klopfer" abuse, to eating cold curry leftovers with flags as sticks.Thank you for the funny days, guys :D
Besides all of this fun, it was an extraordinary breath-taking event, with Team Austria being so successful like never before. Of course Lisa and Hoss getting World Champion for the 4th time, WOW. But I am especially proud of our individual Mediums (as it is and will ever be my favourite class :D), showing the can run with the top. So CONGRATULATIONS to Werner and Esmeralda, who were always Charlies and mine combatant. They are such a great Team and Werner is one of the nicest and down-to-earth agility guy. I wonder if he has realized it by now :D
Montag, 8. September 2014
Sheep-dog :D
We went herding for the first time - it was great. It's so fascinating how herding dogs just know what to do. We had to stop her at first a bit of chasing the sheeps with loud barking. In the second round she started to think and I could even persuade her that there are two sides to go round :)
Of course there is a Video, it was in the very end:
Donnerstag, 4. September 2014
14 months :)
Hups, our last post is some time ago but there was not much happening. Agility training is going on and on, we recently started to train on 40cm jumps, it's not really a problem for Zookie and for me it's a bit easier because she is slower :D
Running contacts are looking good, but we're lacking some training as our access to a dogwalk is only 1-2 times a week. I noticed how much we still have to train, she knows only straight exits with a jump by now.
From time to time we are also training obedience, we are getting ready for our obedience beginner exam, this should be possible I guess :)
Ups, unser letzter Post ist schon einige Zeit her, aber es hat sich auch nicht so viel getan. Im agility Training springt Zookie jetzt schon 40cm, für sie ists kein Problem und für mich ist es ein bisschen einfacher weil sie langsamer ist :D. Running Contacts schauen gut aus, wir haben aber noch sooo viel vor uns, bis jetzt kann sies nur mit einem geraden Abgang mit einer Hürde danach. Alles was davon abweicht wird ignoriert :P. Dabei ist mir erst aufgefallen, wie wichtig nicht der "forward focus" ist, sobald sie nicht weiß was sie nach dem Steg machen soll schaut sie auf mich und macht die Zone auch nicht schön. Daran werden wir noch ziemlich arbeiten müssen, vielleicht mit einem geraden Tunnel hinter der Zone?!
Ab und zu trainieren wir auch Obedience, die Beginner Prüfung ist unser nächstes Ziel :)
Here is a snapshot of Zookie, she sure is no ordinary poil long haha:
Donnerstag, 7. August 2014
Agility Training
Now, it's really getting more like agility. Zookie is really turning good and getting faster and faster, it's just difficult for me to decide how to run with the little bazooka. Running Contacts are looking good, we have to work on different exits and then turns.So here is the video :)
Das Geturne mit Zookie wird immer mehr zum Agility. Sie wendet noch immer ziemlich eng und wird jedes Training noch schneller :D, für mich ist es nur schwiereig zu entscheiden wie ich dieses und jenes laufe mit dem kleinen Wirbelwind :D. Running contacts sind bis jetzt echt super, wir müssen nur jetzt langsam an verschiedenen Ausgängen und Turns arbeiten. Also noch viel vor uns :D
Dienstag, 29. Juli 2014
EO Hungary 2014 and channel weaves
Yes we went to European Open in Hungary, and yes we went only for one day and yes we are insane :D (4 hours drive one way)
I just could not resist, I wanted to meet some old friends and some great pyrsheps. We cheered for Zookies mother and uncle, 3 aunts and zookie's look-alike dorka :).
Zookie got many new fans, they asked me soooo often if I cut her hair - the answer is of course not :P .
And we started with weaves a month ago, I decided to combine 2x2 with channel method and I love it :D. Here is the result - the channel is nearly closed, but I want to work more on entrys now.
Samstag, 5. Juli 2014
Videos, videos, videos
Ups da hab ich wohl vergessen die ganzen Videos zu posten:
1.Zookies aktueller Laufsteg, ich bin sehr zufrieden :D. Ab und zu hat sie noch ein "ich bin zu schnell für mich selbst"-Disaster wo sie der Hintern schon in der Mitte des Stegs überholt (sie ist auch schon ein paar mal vom Steg gefallen/gesprungen) aber im großen und ganzen hat sie es verstanden :)
2. Mein Borge-Aussie JoJo wird immer selbstsicherer und schneller :). Hier ein 2.Platz im A3
3. Kann ich Zookies Happy-Birthday-Video leider nicht verlinken!? dann gibts eben nur den Link ;)
1.Zookies aktueller Laufsteg, ich bin sehr zufrieden :D. Ab und zu hat sie noch ein "ich bin zu schnell für mich selbst"-Disaster wo sie der Hintern schon in der Mitte des Stegs überholt (sie ist auch schon ein paar mal vom Steg gefallen/gesprungen) aber im großen und ganzen hat sie es verstanden :)
2. Mein Borge-Aussie JoJo wird immer selbstsicherer und schneller :). Hier ein 2.Platz im A3
3. Kann ich Zookies Happy-Birthday-Video leider nicht verlinken!? dann gibts eben nur den Link ;)
Sonntag, 29. Juni 2014
Happy 1st birthday Zookie
Time to write something about my puppy. Zookie is really a calm dog at home, at university lessons, at restaurants etc. (except in her frequent crazy 5 minutes :D). But when there's something to do she's from 0-100% in 2 seconds :D. She is running free at every agility trainings because she's just sitting on my lap and watching or walking around. Until I take out her toy, then she's suddenly turning into a crazy, barking, growling monster.
She really likes other dogs, especially puppies. It's really funny how surprised people are when they see she's a nice pyrshep - obviously we dont have that many friendly pyrsheps in austria.
Her only really annoying habit is, that she likes to bark at dogs when we're walking somewhere in the woods. I have the feeling she's really content and satisfied with herself afterwards and she feels like she protected us all :D.
Training Zookie is really so much fun, no matter what. She's really nice in obedience and now it's also much fun for me. Feels just like some tricks in a row :). Agility training is also going on really fast, we started to train weaves with 2x2 method. I just wanted to try and then switch to channel, but I really like what I got after 2 sessions so we will maybe go on this way. It's just a little bit dangerous because Zookie likes to jump on me and tries to bite me when I don't click her :D. She exactly knows what she wants :P.
Donnerstag, 29. Mai 2014
11 months
Ooooh Zookie is already 11 months today :D - I made a new video about yesterdays training. It's really getting funny, she is already so fast but not really good in forward focus so it's extra exhausting for me :D.
We are on 30cm jump height but maybe I should raise it a bit because she is not jumping at all but just pulling her legs haha. Running contacts look really good now, we had our first session on a real, lowered dogwalk. The plan is to be on a normal dogwalk at 12 months, but we will see.
Sonntag, 18. Mai 2014
New RC video + agility competition
Endlich konnten wir mal wieder Running contacts trainieren, wir sind jetzt schon ziemlich hoch, was leider dazu führt dass wir nicht mehr auf unserm improvisierten Steg üben können. Also jetzt aus dem "Bleib", ich bin zufrieden :)
Finally, we could continue our running contacts training and we are pretty far. Unfortunately we can't use our small self-made dogwalk, so this video shows running the plank out of a stay. I'm pretty happy about the result :)
Und was ganz anderes, mein Leihaussie Jojo war wieder super am letzten Turnier. Ich freu mich besonders dass mein Training an Zonen und Slalom Wirkung zeigt: A-Open 1.Platz und Lk3 Lauf 2.Platz
And another thing, my rent-aussie Jojo was great at last competition, i'm really happy my training on her slalom and contacts is paying off :) so 1x1.place, 1x2.place
Sonntag, 11. Mai 2014
Big,big Bazooka
Zookie's now 10,5 months old - wow it seems like I got her yesterday :). Not many news to tell:
we work our way through the running contacts and I hope we can try on a lowered dogwalk soon. Unfortunately there's less time to work on other things now so only a small video of recent agility training.
I'm really, really happy with her, she's turning tight and her forward focus is getting better and better.
Zookie's now 42-42,5cm heigh, oooops bigger than expected :D - let's cross fingers she will not grow any more, or i'll have to learn how to throw a frisbee :D
Beside all the agility we started our obedience career and we really have fun, for me it's like a row of tricks. So we want to do the beginner exam in summer as it's also provided for agility competitions.
Dienstag, 22. April 2014
Pyrshep easter :)
We had a great easter weekend in czech rep. and poland! On sunday we were at a dog show aaaaaaand nobody would have expected this but the judge, president of the french pyrshep club, really liked Zookie. So she got an exc.1, best of juniors, and finally Best of Breed. We were all really happy (especially Zookies breeder Olga i guess :D ).
So then the boring part was over, we had fun at loooong walks with a pack of pyrsheps. It was really funny to see how similar Zookie and her mother and her brother are.
Also, we had a nice puppy training, and I know now what to train next with Zookie - straight lines :D as her turns are really good now we really have to work on forward focus :D
Sonntag, 23. März 2014
9 months
Zookie is now nearly 9 months old, where did the time go?? She is really grown-up now, stopped destroying every little plastic thing when she's alone and was even in heat for the first time. I'm really satisfied with her character, she's friendly to all dogs and people, but not really interested in people she doesn't know, what is okay for me.
As we're living in the big city from monday - friday she is used to every tram, bus subway and lots of traffic and is coming to university lessons with me (where she is sleeping unlike me :P).
Of course, stealing food is still a big issue and I think this won't change as she's a true pyrshep :D - I never saw a dog so fixed at food. She even started to heel at strangers when she was running off leash and they were eating a kepab or something, which led to some funny moments :D.
But as much as she loves food, she loves playing, i'm really pleased with her food-toy-switch, which I trained really often with things like 2on/2off.
At the moment we're busy with lots of foundations for agility, we even started to run little sequences and I love it. She is really fast, tight and she moves in a really cool way (or maybe this is just up to me? :D). After a long break with running contacts we're on the right way again (at least I hope so), I hope summer will bring more chances and time to practise them.
So here is an more or less actual video :)
Donnerstag, 20. Februar 2014
Charlie ...
Charlies Tod ist jetzt schon über ein Jahr her, es ist zwar leichter geworden aber er fehlt noch immer überall. Hier ein Video, das mich immer wieder an die schönen Zeiten erinnert und wo ich überall herumgekommen bin durch ihn ...
It's now more than one year since Charlies death. I still miss him so much, but it got easier. Here is a video i made for myself to remind me of all the precious moments we shared ...
Sonntag, 2. Februar 2014
Zookie's 7months update
Hups, Zookie was 7 months some days ago, my big girl :D
She didn't change much, still loves to run, to play and to eat! Due to the weather and my exams we had to stop training RC and foundations but we had much fun walking in the snow/ice with friends. Oh and we measured her with proper equipment and she's 41,2 now, so maybe she'll do the 41,5 ;)
Here are some photos of everyday life :)
Mittwoch, 29. Januar 2014
Zookies Running Contact adventures
Nach Charlies "retraining" von gestoppten Kontaktzonen auf Running Contacts hab ich mich wirklich auf Zookies RC Training gefreut. Jetzt trainieren wir schon eine Zeit lang und haben eigentlich ziemlich vielversprechend angefangen :)
I was soooo sooo much looking forward to train running contacts with a dog, who does not know anything about contacts (unlike Charlie). So now we started training and everything seemed pretty good.
Nachdem ich die Planke erhöht habe, hats nun ein Problem gegeben: Zookie springt immer wenn der Ball "static" ist, also vor der Planke liegt und nicht geschmissen wird. Zum Problem lösen werf ich den Ball jetzt immer:
Versuch 1 war mit hingelegten Ball:
After raising the plank we got a problem: Zookie jumped everytime I wanted her to run to a static ball. For now I decided to throw it:
First try was with a static toy:
We will see what futures brings :)
Montag, 20. Januar 2014
New photoooos
Finally we got some photos made by Once in a lifetime dog photography (http://lifetimedog.jimdo.com/)! Thank you, Nicole :)
Sonntag, 12. Januar 2014
6,5 months
Zookie's nearly 6,5 months old now :D, i made a new video (mainly because I just love the song and wanted to make a video with it :D).
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