Sonntag, 23. März 2014

9 months

Zookie is now nearly 9 months old, where did the time go?? She is really grown-up now, stopped destroying every little plastic thing when she's alone and was even in heat for the first time. I'm really satisfied with her character, she's friendly to all dogs and people, but not really interested in people she doesn't know, what is okay for me.
As we're living in the big city from monday - friday she is used to every tram, bus subway and lots of traffic and is coming to university lessons with me (where she is sleeping unlike me :P).
Of course, stealing food is still a big issue and I think this won't change as she's a true pyrshep :D - I never saw a dog so fixed at food. She even started to heel at strangers when she was running off leash and they were eating a kepab or something, which led to some funny moments :D.

But as much as she loves food, she loves playing, i'm really pleased with her food-toy-switch, which I trained really often with things like 2on/2off.

At the moment we're busy with lots of foundations for agility, we even started to run little sequences and I love it. She is really fast, tight and she moves in a really cool way (or maybe this is just up to me? :D). After a long break with running contacts we're on the right way again (at least I hope so), I hope summer will bring more chances and time to practise them.

So here is an more or less actual video :)

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