Mittwoch, 3. Dezember 2014

Obedience Class 1

I just forgot - We took part in another obedience exam and this time in class 1!

It was quite thrilling as I really had no time for practicing all this things (and in the little time I had, i trained slalom :P). But it proved again Zookie is a compeition dog - she even got 10 points at the box (which i feared the most). Only some little mistakes like greeting the judge while heeling and - of course - it's obviously impossible for a pyrshep to sit and stay when there is something thrown to apport!

Nevertheless, we got our Excellent and could now move on to Class 2 (LOL :P), which we won't to in near future I guess! :D It's really a pity, Zookie has really much fun doing all this stuff and I think she could really be extraordinary and kick all this obedience-bcs asses. But I think kicking Medium-bcs asses will also be fun :D