Welcome to our Blog - you can read here about Pyrshep Puppy Zookie and our life together.
Sonntag, 29. Juni 2014
Happy 1st birthday Zookie
Time to write something about my puppy. Zookie is really a calm dog at home, at university lessons, at restaurants etc. (except in her frequent crazy 5 minutes :D). But when there's something to do she's from 0-100% in 2 seconds :D. She is running free at every agility trainings because she's just sitting on my lap and watching or walking around. Until I take out her toy, then she's suddenly turning into a crazy, barking, growling monster.
She really likes other dogs, especially puppies. It's really funny how surprised people are when they see she's a nice pyrshep - obviously we dont have that many friendly pyrsheps in austria.
Her only really annoying habit is, that she likes to bark at dogs when we're walking somewhere in the woods. I have the feeling she's really content and satisfied with herself afterwards and she feels like she protected us all :D.
Training Zookie is really so much fun, no matter what. She's really nice in obedience and now it's also much fun for me. Feels just like some tricks in a row :). Agility training is also going on really fast, we started to train weaves with 2x2 method. I just wanted to try and then switch to channel, but I really like what I got after 2 sessions so we will maybe go on this way. It's just a little bit dangerous because Zookie likes to jump on me and tries to bite me when I don't click her :D. She exactly knows what she wants :P.
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