Donnerstag, 29. Mai 2014

11 months

Ooooh Zookie is already 11 months today :D - I made a new video about yesterdays training. It's really getting funny, she is already so fast but not really good in forward focus so it's extra exhausting for me :D.
We are on 30cm jump height but maybe I should raise it a bit because she is not jumping at all but just pulling her legs haha. Running contacts look really good now, we had our first session on a real, lowered dogwalk. The plan is to be on a normal dogwalk at 12 months, but we will see.

Sonntag, 18. Mai 2014

New RC video + agility competition

Endlich konnten wir mal wieder Running contacts trainieren, wir sind jetzt schon ziemlich hoch, was leider dazu führt dass wir nicht mehr auf unserm improvisierten Steg üben können. Also jetzt aus dem "Bleib", ich bin zufrieden :)

Finally, we could continue our running contacts training and we are pretty far. Unfortunately we can't use our small self-made dogwalk, so this video shows running the plank out of a stay. I'm pretty happy about the result :)

Und was ganz anderes, mein Leihaussie Jojo war wieder super am letzten Turnier. Ich freu mich besonders dass mein Training an Zonen und Slalom Wirkung zeigt: A-Open 1.Platz und Lk3 Lauf 2.Platz

And another thing, my rent-aussie Jojo was great at last competition, i'm really happy my training on her slalom and contacts is paying off :) so,

Sonntag, 11. Mai 2014

Big,big Bazooka

Zookie's now 10,5 months old - wow it seems like I got her yesterday :). Not many news to tell:

we work our way through the running contacts and I hope we can try on a lowered dogwalk soon. Unfortunately there's less time to work on other things now so only a small video of recent agility training.
I'm really, really happy with her, she's  turning tight and her forward focus is getting better and better.

Zookie's now 42-42,5cm heigh, oooops bigger than expected :D - let's cross fingers she will not grow any more, or i'll have to learn how to throw a frisbee :D

Beside all the agility we started our obedience career and we really have fun, for me it's like a row of tricks. So we want to do the beginner exam in summer as it's also provided for agility competitions.